What Underlies All Struggles, Even Anxiety and Depression
There is one thing that underlies every struggle of every human being on the planet: the childhood absence of a safe, loving big person to connect with us when we needed such connection. How does that affect a child? It creates an experience of being unvalued, and alone in the world. Over time, and multiple incidents, that child comes to believe that he or she is not worthy of being supported and valued.
Such early life experiences remain with you forever, often without your even knowing it. They support the belief that you don’t get to feel truly good inside, or have what you really want on the outside. This is usually experienced as an undercurrent of feeling—a sense—that “this is just the way things are, and there’s nothing I can do about it”. That undercurrent is always there (usually without you realizing it), often breeding feelings of depression, anxiety, and turmoil. After so many years, it feels like home. Another means of coping with this undercurrent is to engage in life in such a way as to prove that these underlying beliefs are not true. And, in so doing, one can create great outside success which is wonderful and important. However, without taking care of the inside programs, it becomes a nonstop treadmill that interferes with and prevents peace and joy within, and with others.
What Underlies Anxiety and Depression
I believe that feelings of depression are basically experiences of feeling powerless to matter, and powerless to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.
I see anxiety as the presence of feelings such as those of a child who desperately wants things to be better, and truly needs the support of a safe, solid, and loving big person to make that happen, but such an adult has been nowhere in sight. How could a child in that situation not feel anxious?
In moments when you feel depressed or anxious, you are once again a child without the adult presence you need.
What Underlies Freedom from Anxiety and Depression
The Inner Alignment Method develops you as a True Adult, and teaches you how to heal those old wounds from your past by having actual conversations with your child. These conversations allow your child to take you by the hand and show you the relevant past events when what I call a “True Adult” was missing. This conversation completely changes those painful messages, creating a positive experience of safety, security and love for your child. The child finally does get to experience a big person listening to, valuing, and connecting with him or her. For a child, nothing is more important.
Make It Happen!
Now is a good time to learn how to be the adult your child has longed for. Just as you might want to be such an adult for someone in your life for whom you care deeply, now is a great time to be that same interested, compassionate person for your own child within.