Programmed Without Knowing It – Find Out & Get Free

Negative emotional reactions to current circumstances always stem from hurtful or traumatic events from your past. Any trauma or painful experience you had in childhood led to the formation of survival reactions that I call wound programs—unconscious, automatic reactive responses you developed as a child in an attempt to avoid further pain. Whenever you are in a stressful situation, you are experiencing feelings similar to those you had during painful events in your childhood. This happens anytime you are upset by something somebody says or does, or by some circumstance. In those moments you are vulnerable to these wound programs kicking in and virtually running your life.

Anytime you find yourself reacting negatively, you essentially are having what I call a Post Traumatic Childhood Moment (PTCM). This means that you're not actually reacting to the current situation, in the present moment, but rather to a traumatic incident from your past. This is not unlike the experience of a war veteran who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For example, in the 60's and 70's it was not uncommon for cars to backfire, jolting Vietnam War veterans into the pseudo reality of being back in the war.

Similarity Between PTCM and PTSD

The similarity between PTCM and PTSD is that neither experience is in response to current reality. In both cases, one is reacting to a current situation that looks, feels, or sounds like, or is in some way similar to a traumatic event from the past. This "triggers" the individual into feeling feelings from the past and subsequently engaging in behaviors as a protective survival reaction. This reaction has nothing to do with what is actually happening. At such times, one effectively becomes a computer running an old program. Unconsciously, if not consciously, the program will always reinforce negative and painful feelings, and will likely lead to additional negative consequences.

It's Not Your Fault

But it's not your fault. You didn't even know you were being run by a program! Think of a recent time when you found yourself reacting to something that happened or to something someone in your life said or did. Did you later regret the way you reacted after cooling off and seeing things a bit differently? How might your life be different if you could recognize that your reaction was just a program choosing your life for you? Think about it. How different would your life be if you could let go of any negative emotional reactions to life circumstances or to the people in your day to day life? What if you didn't even have those reactions at all? How different would your life be?

The problem is that when you are in reaction and these programs are activated, your perception about what's happening feels like the absolute truth. Consequently, like with the war veteran, you have no power to do anything in those moments other than re-experience the pain.

Freedom from Negative Programs and Reactions

Developing a relationship with yourself within the framework of this method will free you from those programs that have been running your life without your even knowing it. I AM will show you how to naturally be the most powerful deprogrammer, healer, and loving partner—to yourself and to others—that you can be. And that is just the beginning of the new quality of life that will become available to you. If you're interested in knowing yourself well enough, you can manifest almost any reality that you want to create.

I recommend that you check out my new book, because in it I have laid out a framework that can put you on the path of discovering and developing Your Ultimate Relationship. I also recommend that you read the testimonials on this website from several people who now live in profound relationship with themselves. Seeing the words of people who have found this method to be powerful and transformative will give you a sense of what is available to you.

Ron Levy, MS, LMFT

Psychotherapist, Author, & Speaker

Ron is grateful to have discovered the Inner Alignment Method (I AM) and feels blessed to be sharing it now with the world. In his more than 35 year psychotherapy practice, Ron has guided countless people to unlock the door of their emotional prison of the past and find their Ultimate Relationship.

What Underlies All Struggles, Even Anxiety and Depression


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