Client testimonials
What people are saying about Ron & the I AM
While almost everyone who has given a testimonial has also given permission to post their last name as well as first name, city and state, I have chosen to leave off last names due to my commitment to professional ethics of confidentiality.
♥ Debbie | Tarzana, CA
Hi, my name is Debbie…want to tell you a little bit about my mentor, Ron Levy… he is an incredible human being… my life coach and therapist… he’s really helped me to move my life forward in immeasurable ways… I have a wonderful life… from his tools, from his support, that has enabled me to create the life that I now lead… I just want you to know what an incredible human being Ron Levy is… he changes lives… he has changed my life and my family’s life… Thank you, Ron, for the priceless gifts that you have given to me… I love you! (Excerpts from the video).
♥ Diana | Santa Monica, CA
Ron Levy has a natural and intuitive understanding of the dynamics of the human psyche and soul—as well as an insight into the deep yearning within us all to become whole. He is no less than a master guide who teaches his clients how to navigate the confusing labyrinth of family and cultural conditioning in order to arrive back at who we truly are. Thank you, Ron, for giving me the gift of myself!
♥ Jackie | Woodland Hills, CA
Reading the testimonials about Ron and his work, I must agree with all the praise and positive reviews. I too have incredible respect and admiration for Ron and his, I Am Method. His work is unique, yet tangible. He “gets it” in the most compassionate and loving way. No matter how dark a place I went, Ron could always see the goodness in others and find the opportunity to heal the past. He is a special person who intuitively understood my struggle.
Ron’s presence is the most calming and trusting place that facilitates deep safe exploration of old wounds to be revealed and healed. In each session I was excited and sometimes scared to learn what wounds from my past I had been coping with all these years. What was holding me back from living the happy life I have been looking for? I never knew what to expect, yet with each I Am training, I saw positive changes take place little by little. I got closer and closer to accepting myself and really liking who I am. Finally, the switch turned on and the miracle happened.
I spent years searching for “something.” Having tried spiritual healers, psychics, yoga, meditation, self-help books and prayer. I have always heard the concepts of loving yourself, finding inner peace, living in the moment, be happy and just be. It all sounded like what I wanted to achieve, but I couldn’t find the tools. I didn’t have the magic wand. I finally realized what I needed was a miracle. Finally, Ron and the I Am method became the answer for me.
Now, I actually know what it feels like to love myself and celebrate myself and others for being exactly who we are. I stopped trying to change others and I took responsibility for my behavior in relationship with my husband, my children, family and friends. I became empowered to change my “story” and saw how that change within myself changed behavior of those around me. It was a natural process that fostered connection, vulnerability and trust.
Ultimately, I am happy!!! I am happy just being. Not because my husband, my kids, a job or material things are making me be happy. I feel the peace and connection with life I have been searching for. I learned how to love others unconditionally and I am feeling the love in return.
Ron’s work is invaluable. It is emotional, deep and takes commitment, but it truly works! I no longer live half a life coping, but I have come back to life. Everything tastes better, looks more vibrant, sounds clearer, and feels more real. I am living in alignment. Ron, thank you again and again!
♥ Jeff | Los Angeles, CA
Truly transformative, inner alignment training is the key to unlocking your unlimited potential. Ron Levy’s pioneering work is a gift to humanity. My life continues to expand in wonderful ways, all thanks to Ron’s compassionate, insightful guidance. The path to a totally fulfilled life begins with a step towards your inner child. Don’t deny yourself, or the World, of your God-given awesomeness any longer—Take that step!
♥ Mitch | Malibu, CA
When I first thought about writing about Ron I felt honored and excited, then slowly I thought to myself, how in the world am I going to put into words what this Master does?! Eventually, I sat with it, and while I still think words cannot truly describe, here goes: Rons process is the most organic, pro active therapy I have ever encountered. It is truly unique, heart felt, in the moment and as powerful as anything I have ever done, and has changed my life profoundly in many ways. I had tried many different types of therapy and therapists, yet nothing came close to helping me grow and find my true power as much as Rons work has! It is truly a blessing! Once we find the relationship Ron teaches us to find.. we are free. I would not be where I am today had I not discovered Ron Levy. I know I may sound as exuberant as a little child at a birthday party about Ron’s work… thanks to him… I am 🙂
♥ Vickie | Westlake Village, CA
As a psychologist, I have the highest respect for Ron Levy as a person and for the therapeutic method that he has developed. I have personally explored many therapeutic modalities, and none have come close to matching the results of Ron’s gentle yet powerful work. I believe that through his unwavering “presence,” his ability to walk his talk, and his own unique teaching methods, Ron truly helps people get ever closer to living the life that they are meant to live. I have found his workshops to be an excellent opportunity to practice a deepening and integration of my individual work with him.
♥ Donna | Seattle, WA
Ron Levy is a gifted therapist, a wise counselor, and a master teacher of the soul. He serves his clients with deepest compassion; his light-filled presence facilitates awareness and healing. I consider it one of the key gifts and blessings in my life to have worked with Ron on inner alignment. I call Inner Alignment Method training a process of “self-integration” because for me it is a process that continuously brings me back into sacred relationship with my highest self, my Infinite Child. I call it a blessing because Ron and this work has profoundly transformed my life.
When I first met Ron, I was in big trouble inside. I entered my forties and all the coping mechanisms that helped me survive childhood trauma, loss of loved ones, crippling feelings of fear and dread, of doom and anxiety, no longer worked. I was a mess of anxiety and self-deprecation. Outside I looked fine. Inside I could barely hold on. I was in the throes of despair and years of unresolved grief. My little Child had white-knuckled her way through life without a True Adult to back her up. As a result, she always looked to others—to parents, to bosses, to leaders, to circumstances to validate that she was okay and safe in the world. What I learned through my work with Ron is that what my Child needed was a True Adult who could love her unconditionally and hold the space for her emotions and responses to the world without judgment or the need to fix it. What I needed was to be separate in relationship with My Child.
My inner alignment training has healed my grief and despair. Through separateness from the emotions my Child brings up, I can listen and allow them expression without getting lost inside the experience. I know the emotions are not who I am because “I” am separate from them. I trust myself now. I am present in my own life. I know now that everything happens for me, not to me. With a True Adult present, my Child has the safety and freedom to experience joy and to enjoy life. This is a profound transformation.
I am deeply grateful for Ron’s compassionate understanding and unconditional acceptance. He is a miraculous teacher and a facilitator of healing. He is a model of what it is to live in loving relationship with one’s self and the world.
♥ Alex | Littleton, CO
Ron Levy’s unique methods have brought a tremendous difference to the quality of my life and my family’s in many healthy and practical ways. His work has helped me discover how to deal with my daily stress and reactive anger much more effectively.
♥ Jaime | Santa Monica, CA
I have wanted to give Ron Levy a testimonial for a long time now. I have worked with him and his I Am Method since 1992 and it has so profoundly changed me in such deeply and meaningful ways that every time I sit down to write this, it has been a daunting challenge to articulate!
I don’t think I could or would be living the life I have lived and am living without this particular process. I am 54 years around our sun, and happy to say that my marriage of 26 years is going the strongest and most loving than it has ever been and that has been a great pleasure of my life!!! The precious people I gave birth to are the most extraordinary humans I have ever had the honor to know and I have found such joy in parenting them and in that they include me (so far) in their lives. I have a very close and loving relationship with my parents and it could have gone a very different direction, as we had so many challenges growing up and with me running away from home as a 16 year old. It is these relationships that I value most!!!
After 40 years, I am still singing and dancing and doing what I love, which I find richly rewarding. I am a better singer today than I have ever been. How cool is that?
I’ve found such lasting contentment in the internal relationship I have fostered with myself, that every external relationship I have has been positively affected. I can’t imagine that there could be anyone that wouldn’t benefit from exploring the intimate relationship with Self, with the True Self as understood by this masterful, Ron Levy and his Inner Alignment Method.
I know I would not have the depth of love, awareness, and experiences had I not found Ron Levy and the I AM process!!! I am eternally grateful. I am an alive, turned on and vibrant work in progress!!!
With Love and De-Light.
♥ John | Thousand Oaks, CA
Ron Levy is one of the most profound human beings I have had the honor to work with. His grace, wisdom and powerful sense of connection, within and without, have made an incalculable difference in my life. In my time with Ron both as a client and a trainee in the work of inner alignment, I have come to respect Ron as a master of the highest order. I was first introduced to inner alignment training by Ron some years ago during a very difficult period. Since that time I have worked with the process to clear up the wounds that were blocking my ability to be a fully integrated individual. I was able, through the connection with my child, to move through the areas which were preventing me from being truly present in life and into a world today where everything is available. I celebrate the journey every morning that I wake. The power of the Inner Alignment Method is available to everyone from the first time they work with the process. From there it just gets better and deeper as the inner connection is strengthened, nurtured and developed. I recommend Ron Levy and the Inner Alignment Method to anyone who is seeking a meaningful life filled with the joy and happiness of being who they really are.
♥ Heather | West Hills, CA
I never really knew how to separate myself from others. I had a whole life feeling everything and everyone, and it was extremely difficult to know what energies were mine and that of others. I had a tendency to carry everyone and everything because of that, and it always drained me, until I met Ron and discovered the teachings of his I AM Training. To me, I feel like Ron and his work is medicine. The I AM Training helps you to understand yourself so much! It has taught me where others end and I begin, to know myself and my boundaries, and what responsibilities are mine and not others. It helped me to see myself better, as well as the ones I love. I believe we are all connected to God/Great Spirit/Buddha, whatever you wish to call our Divine Creator of Unconditional Love and Light. Yet, one of the most important things that was missing for me, as Ron likes to put it, one of my “blind spots”, was knowing I am one part separate yet equal to the Greater Whole. Learning separation was necessary for my healing, it was part of my soul lesson. Your lessons may be the same as mine in a different form or possibly entirely different, but the greatest thing about the I AM Training is that it caters to your own personal soul’s evolutionary process.
When I finally learned how to separate myself, yet remain connected in a healthy way, I was able to finally see and actualize my Divine Self, or as Ron likes to call it, your “True Adult.” It was the medicine I needed. I’m sure many can relate to not feeling heard or seen properly from adults growing up. Your inner child always sensed something was off, but it was brushed to the side no matter how hard you’d try to speak your truth. Then through time, your child becomes programmed to adapting to your environment, due to, how Ron likes to put it, a “child in coping mode” only trying to survive. Because of the programs we learned during our youth, our inner children and our connection to Source became unclear and distant, making it difficult to hear ourselves and our Divine Guidance clearly. It was as if it was masked or covered up. Yet, through the I AM Training, Ron’s guidance helps you to tap back into hearing God’s beautiful guidance within yourself and your inner child. He is like a Shaman that creates and holds a sacred space for you and your light to be “welcomed to the planet”, a Spiritual-Gardener where he teaches you how to nurture and tend to your own Divine Seed in ways that are best for your personal soul growth, a Mirror of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.
I have so many wonderful things I can say about this man. He is truly a wonderful being and I love him. Thank you for being here and thank you God for bringing Ron into my life. Sending my Love, Light and Blessings to all who read this and Great Healing!!! Welcome to the Planet everyone! Love, Light and Blessings… Your soul sister Heather.
♥ Nancy | Santa Barbara, CA
Ron Levy’s seminars have had a huge impact on my life. One of the biggest benefits for me is that I don’t judge myself or others nearly as much. For instance, before, I felt that I could not express myself as well in group settings as I could one-on-one. Now, I feel much more comfortable being a part of a group, while still expressing myself authentically and maintaining my sense of power and effectiveness.
♥ Rush | West Hills, CA
I have looked my whole life for unifying principles to be my guide. I have experienced psychotherapy and meditation and have read widely in the fields of the arts, philosophy and psychology.
The psychologist Carl Rogers characterized the ideal therapist as one who regards his client with “unconditional positive regard.” This was not meant merely as a show of acceptance, but a genuine attitude demonstrated through behavior. More than any other person I have ever known, Ron Levy embodies this attitude. My life has been dramatically altered by Ron’s brilliant, deep work with me. He and his Inner Alignment Method have allowed me to safely face my demons.
Methods that are simple nearly always have the problem of superficiality. Methods that are deep are usually inaccessible. Ron’s Inner Alignment Method continually stuns me with how its apparent simplicity manages to cover every problem I have encountered. A test of the brilliance and depth of a therapeutic method is revealed by its ability to be simple yet fully coherent. Miraculously, Ron Levy’s I AM is exactly that.
♥ Tony | Santa Monica, CA
Even though I grew up with two ministers in my immediate family and with big name self-help speakers always coming to our family’s church, I have been completely amazed with the tremendous insights and the very unique approach to personal growth that I learned from Ron—it’s truly transformative!
♥ sam | Reseda, CA
I have had the pleasure of working with Ron over the past five years. I came to Ron during a critical and difficult time in my life where I found myself confused, lost and desperate. Ron was an excellent guide into the depths of my soul and being. The biggest gift Ron helped me gain was the gift of myself and for that, I will always be grateful. In a professional, sensitive and nurturing environment, Ron guided me into becoming my “own” therapist, allowing me the power and freedom to continue to discover who I am and where I want to go. It is without hesitation that I strongly suggest Ron Levy for any personal or professional growth guidance.
♥ “Knows Now” | Woodland Hills, CA
I am an alcoholic, drug addict from New York. As a child I was physically, mentally and sexually abused. I started drinking at a very young age. We made our own wine down the cellar where we all drank homemade wine, even in our baby bottles. I was the oldest and all my siblings drank it. I am the only one now that doesn’t drink in my family. They all are alcoholics and they all take drugs. Anyway, I drank, smoked pot, and took lots of pills at a very young age: 10 years old. By 16, I was shooting heroin on the street and down my cellar all the time. I stopped everything by the age of 34. Went to AA. I have 13 years of sobriety but still used to take pills once in a while for my nerves. Two years clean of that, now I feel everything, meaning, all my moods sad, happy, glad, pain, confused and joy.
Now I’m ready for the answers I have been searching for with raising my kids. I have been searching for about a year and I got Ron’s phone number from a friend. It sounded right. His office is in a beautiful setting, up on the second floor. He has a Great appearance, dresses nice and neat, very healthy and in good shape. Soft spoken man. I am a mother now and need to raise my kids better than the way my mom and dad did it to me. I am a product of them and I knew as a young child they were crazy people. I want to raise my kids in a healthy and loving way.
Ron Levy has helped me to recognize my feelings, help me to talk to myself ,which helps validate my feelings by talking slowly to myself with nice and comforting words that are the truth and make really good sense to me. So I can feel free to move on in a comfortable, peaceful place within myself. It’s like having a really strong relationship with me. They say, if you don’t have an relationship with yourself, you can’t have one with anyone else. You don’t understand that until you are at the place I am at.
Ron Levy helps me get down to my true person inside to heal her so she can grow into the beautiful person she is meant to be. I feel that he brings my SOUL, MIND and SPIRIT together in as one person. This seems to be such a powerful connection to life, which helps me to be a better mom to my kids. Change the family pattern, fix the hurt within you, you change and everyone else around you changes. I have seen the proof with my kids and my husband especially.
I thank God for Ron coming into my life at the right time, so he can guide me through it. He is really helping me grow happily.
♥ Joan | granada Hills, CA
This is a process of freeing stuck or frozen parts of my consciousness into a healed state where they can join the rest of me, restoring me to greater wholeness. Ron is a wonderful teacher, and I am very grateful to have his guidance and support in learning how to do this miraculous inner work.
♥ Amy | Thousand Oaks, CA
Working with Ron Levy has allowed me not only to get acquainted with, but to become intimate with someone I never really took the time to listen to before… my true self. For anyone searching for truth, Ron’s work is a simple, yet POWERFUL means of discovery of oneself, which leads to a discovery of purpose for all of mankind.
♥ Fran | Van Nuys, CA
How do you write about someone who saved your life? What words are adequate to explain the profound gratitude I feel for the strength and joy that now form the foundation of my life? Without the work I did with Ron, I’m sure I wouldn’t be here today. Literally. Depressed, suicidal, terrified of life, of relationships, of myself. I was an emotional train wreck, even after seeing therapists since age 14. In my early 20s, I was in twice a week therapy for almost 5 years. It helped and I seemed “okay” for a while. Then, in my mid 50s, everything came apart. I was still making the same old bad choices, still indulging in self-destructive behavior. I was so distrustful of men (a prior psychologist had molested me at age 16), it took me years to let go of fear and feel safe enough to accept Ron’s guidance to help me heal. But heal I did. This time for good. Thank you, Ron!
♥ Heidi | Long Beach, CA
Ron’s Work is the ultimate in personal responsibility. It gives us ultimate choice and power and responsibility while embracing spirituality and any idea of God one might have or not have. I studied different psychological methods and always found flaws with them. They were always lacking something. This is the first method that doesn’t lack anything. It doesn’t make me feel bad. I change without even realizing it. I am always becoming more of who I truly am.
♥ Howard | Canoga Park, CA
Ron Levy has helped me uncover and gain a greater sense of insight and clarity about myself. He has assisted me in developing a deeper personal relationship between my inner child and true adult. Ron is a True Master at his craft. He is a Loving, Caring, and Supportive Soul. I highly recommend his transformative counseling services to anyone who wishes to know oneself on a deeper level. Enjoy your journey.
♥ Tammy | Los Angeles, CA
Ron Levy’s therapeutic process is very powerful in that it is life changing. He was able to help me to go into deep levels of understanding about myself. The good, the bad and the ugly. I was able to understand my effect on others and their effect on me. I now listen with a keen sense of awareness in response to the words or actions of others. I am able to be versatile and not fixed in my feelings or usual responses. Doing this process I gained so much more awareness and confidence in my life. As a result of healing old wounds that had me closed off to my potential, I’ve been more effective in ways I thought I wasn’t capable of. The results through the process continue to enrich my understanding, as it is a process not a fix it method. Ron has given me the tools that help me transform to the true me I want to be underneath the persona. As a result I’ve become and continue to be more effective in my relationships, work and other endeavors.
♥ Maria | New Zealand, CA
Ron Levy is one of those very rare wise men with amazing insight into the human condition and the methods that help people transcend their psychological obstacles. What a remarkable difference his concepts have made in my life. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him and learn from him.
♥ bernard | New Zealand, CA
Congratulations! I have just finished reading your book and I wanted you to know how amazing I think it is. Every time I had to put it down to do anything else, I couldn’t wait to get back to it. I didn’t want it to end.
You’ll be pleased to know that I have already used some of the I AM techniques and learnings to work through issues, and the clarity the process has given me is remarkable. Thank you!
♥ Andrew | Las Vegas, NV
Ron is a rare gift, a true master and an inspiration to all who know him.
♥ JS | Woodland Hills, CA
Ron made me see and adore myself – then everything else changes too!
♥ Christopher | Newbury Park, CA
Ron is one of the most sincere and real people I’ve ever met. He has the ability to help you be comfortable with yourself and your life. I wish everyone reading this could have the life changing time with Ron that I’ve had. He’s the Best!
♥ Tony | Woodland Hills, CA
My wife and I worked with Ron individually and together. His unique style has been invaluable to our own development as well as to our relationship.
♥ Kippy | Venice, CA
The impact of Ron Levy’s work is visible in all parts of my life, personal and professional. I can communicate with my customers, employees, and family clearly, without making the other person wrong. That is the best tool I know to have a happy sustainable life. Ron’s work has taught me how to “tune in” and honor my gut instinct and allow success to happen naturally. I can see a big difference in my family & employees when I communicate with them, using the tools from Ron’s work.
♥ Richard | north Hollywood, CA
Ron Levy is as good as it gets and I highly recommend him! You will not find a more passionate, focused, gifted, spiritual, intelligent and caring person. He is the consummate professional, extremely dependable and always ready to listen and speak his truth. If you are lucky enough to meet Ron you will know what I mean when I say you are in the presence of a true master. I consider Ron to be on the cutting edge, never idle, always available and open to exploring and experiencing new ways to develop, grow and heal as a rounded human being. I am a better person for having known him and I urge you to experience for yourself his gifts and all he has to offer.
♥ Mariana | Hollywood Hills, CA
A poet of the human condition… Ron Levy’s talent is unmissable. Somehow he is able to maneuver the intricacies, nuances and complexities of the human condition with effortless grace and ease. Ron Levy possesses uncommon humanity, subtlety and a transparency that raises the sensation of the ordinary. Relaying to human discourse with such an emotional immediacy, his work never bores, for there is always an element of discovery, but more importantly—truth. He is a genius, yet it is not that simple. He has paid a price to be himself. It takes guts and unfathomable courage to step up and ‘be’.
Ron is reverent, present and solid. His work has a profound sense of moment; it is not only a reward, but a means of communication. His passion and magnetic power are palpable, and there is a dynamic to everything that Ron does. Beyond that, he is a man of uncommon humanity, great strength, and a lot of heart. That strength finds him. For he is a man that shows up and the result is a transcendental rendition of a man.
I have had unfortunately, many years of experience with various therapist. That said, I could not acknowledge my own expurgated sorrow until I met Ron. He had a level of acceptance, wisdom and non-judgment that gave me the permission to face the nothingness from where I came from. I looked at him for an explanation, but what I got was much more.
Ron’s support has been both subtle and monumental; he rendered me fearless and gave me a sense of healing on a level that was unprecedented; I knew on a very fundamental level, that I had rare trust and safety with him in that room. Somehow, I made sense to him; and for that, I will always be grateful to Ron, and for being the catalyst in my transformation.
Somehow, you just know when you are in a room with Ron Levy, that you are in the presence of greatness. He is not someone you could forget or shed. To know him is to carry a permanent impression in one’s mind and soul. Ron has always felt heroic to me. A man who is worth it, who is here for a purpose.
♥ Craig | Boston, MA
Ron Levy uses his very real and substantive spiritual healing methodologies and abilities to assist his clients in creating lasting changes in their innermost being which results in exceptionally positive changes in their emotions, behaviors and attitudes.
I have spent over 25 years in pursuit of emotional and mental health, growth and self-actualization under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, severely traumatic childhood, etc. and have participated in experiential therapy, psychodrama group therapy, individual therapy and studied Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Conversations with God Books and taken various seminars such as Tony Robbins and the Landmark Forum. So I have the experience and expertise to make an accurate assessment of Ron Levy’s therapeutic work and methodologies.
I would say that Ron Levy produces extraordinarily positive results regardless of the level of the client’s dysfunction and neurosis. His work with my wife over the years has been nothing short of miraculous. I unequivocally endorse Ron Levy and the tools and methodologies he utilizes to assist his clients in creating a healthier, happier and more fulfilling and satisfying life.
