
Reverend Dr. Matthew Fox | Bay Area, CA

Author of 33 books including Original Blessing, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, Stations of the Cosmic Christ, Meister Eckhart: A Mystic-Warrior For Our Times and A Way To God: Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey.

The author dedicates his book to “the Infinite Child within us all.” For a spiritual theologian who has been trying for decades to rattle the cage of tired religious dogmas to get to what matters, I am delighted to hear not only of Ron Levy’s understanding of what a mature human being can be, but also of his practices that assist the birth of that “infinite Child” and that assist people, however deeply wounded, to heal themselves and bring that “Cosmic Christ” alive within them.

There are many parallels between the truths Ron Levy has uncovered and my own work in creation spirituality. Not only that the reality of the Cosmic Christ is alive and well in all of us and in all beings but also the truth of the Original Blessing we all are and still are even if traumas and abuse have invaded our souls. The practices he proposes help liberate the Original Blessing and the Cosmic Christ or Buddha Nature we all carry within us. They also help to move us beyond mere psychological self-help to the deeper realm of our beings and possibilities which have been traditionally understood as mysticism.

His language of the “True Adult” that we are all meant to be echoes the teaching that we are all mystics (lovers of life) and prophets (warriors of compassion who are to interfere with injustice and brokenness). It celebrates the “true self” that often lies hidden within us. His reminder that we are all children who constitute a community of Children (every mystic is a puer, puella or child in love with life) here to support one another is like the traditional teaching of the “communion of saints” who are, in his words, “making love with life.”

His call to live in a state of “not knowing” parallels the teachings of the via negativa as expressed by Meister Eckhart who champions the “transformed knowledge” of “unkowing” that discovers anew that “unborn self” in all of us that is yearning to be released and, once touched, brings about a real rebirth.

I celebrate this book and its author and the many people it will assist to heal and become whole and become their true selves, that is their mystical and compassionate selves again.

Vickie B., PhD  |  Thousand Oaks, CA

I have been extremely fortunate to have worked with Ron as my therapist and mentor for over twelve years. My husband and daughter have also experienced much growth from going to him. Ron’s compassion, strength, and love are reflected in the work that he does with each individual and inherent in his Inner Alignment Technique (I AM) which he developed.

With Ron’s help, I was able to make more lasting changes in my personal and family relationships than any other psychotherapy method that I’d tried. I feel that these changes were in my internal psychic structure and not simply behavioral changes. That’s why as a psychologist myself, I am now utilizing I AM with my own clients. Ron works in a collaborative way by teaching his clients to partner with him as co-therapists.

By practicing I AM, I was able to release emotions, let go of long standing negative habits, and expand into my role as a much stronger and effective True Adult. Ron’s psychotherapy is so organic that a stronger connection to my Spirit naturally developed. I highly recommend Ron to everyone who wants to bring permanent joy and freedom into their lives.

Rie Rogers Mitchell, PhD, ABPP | Calabasas, CA

Professor Emeritus at California State University, Northridge. Past-President at the International Society for Sandplay Therapy.

Why YOU Are Your Ultimate Relationship by Ron Levy offers a way to progress in these uncertain times by encouraging a vision of an enriched state of living with practical ways of growing in that direction. Levy describes his Inner Alignment Method and gives explicit instructions for practicing simple exercises that lead to healing. In his gentle way, Levy encourages releasing old patterns and improving life by connecting with oneself lovingly, compassionately, and respectfully. Through real-life stories, he teaches how to reach out to others, while growing and building a solid internal relationship.

This authentic, warm, and loving book is valuable to me as a psychologist as it describes a useful therapeutic technique with excellent examples. It also offers an enhanced way of life through becoming comfortable with “not knowing.” Not knowing provides freedom from clinging to any one perspective or belief, and allows us to greet new ideas with interest and enthusiasm. I recommend this book highly for those seeking to enrich their lives.

Elaine R. Ferguson, MD | Valparaiso, IN

Best Selling Author of Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit. Author of Health and Transformation: New Frontiers in Medicine.

Ron possesses the profound gift of spiritual insight and the keen skills of a highly seasoned therapist.  His Inner Alignment Training provides the key to true healing and hope to all who have suffered the pain of living in the cloud of self-unknowing. His work leads those of us willing to take this journey to our primary identity and the truth of our being.

We are all magnificent creations of the Divine and Ron’s great pathway teaches us how to discover the hidden memories that limit our self-perceptions and prevent our understanding of and connection with who and what we are. This leads us to true self-awareness, healing, and living our true expression of the Divine. Well done, my dear brother, well done!

Dr. Stephanie Jourdan  |  West Hills, CA

Author of A Very Inspiring Self-Help Book.

The author tells it like it is in a very easy-to-read and easy-to-apply philosophy. It all starts with acknowledging who you are. Great tools for transforming your past into a platform that builds a happy now. I like how he explains everything through his clients’ stories. Interesting read.

Rabbi Nachi Klein | Northridge, CA

Young Israel of Northridge

Ron Levy has been able to open up the lives of so many people who I work with, including my own. His approach and demeanor are refreshing, nurturing, and most importantly game-changing. If you are someone who wants to appreciate your life and experience the bounty and Divine flow of life, reach out to Ron and unlock your greatness.

Reverend Billie Blain | Portland, OR

Unity Minister

If you are having any relationship difficulties, or are having problems navigating through life’s obstacles, the book WHY YOU ARE YOUR ULTIMATE RELATIONSHIP by Ron Levy may be the perfect one for you!

It is filled with amazing methods of healing relationships within families, work, or with a spouse or partner—but most importantly the Inner Alignment Method brings tools to create an accepting and fulfilling relationship with ourselves.

Ron brings together a true relationship between the wounded child, the coping child and the Infinite child by training the True Adult within to support and connect these mind states in healthy, authentic ways.

As a result, rather than competing with each other, there is an inner alignment between the various states of mind so that something new and harmonious springs forth spontaneously. The infinite child’s guidance begins to be heard and propels one into a joyous experience of life.

Since using the Inner Alignment Method in this book, I as an experienced spiritual counsellor for over thirty years, have moved into heretofore unavailable places within my heart and soul. Giant amounts of possibilities are now open for me that I hadn’t seen before.

If you have any troubled relationships in your life, or feel stuck, this may be the book for you. It was for me.